Monday, December 27, 2010

I have heard a Czechoslavakian accent and it's like a softer Russian accent, if you were wondering.

Hello again. I haven't been here in awhile. You can figure that easily on your own if you bother to look at the date but in case you haven't, I'm drawing your attention to it now. Like inception. Think of an elephant. Look at the date.

I'm Skyping with my boyfriend as I write. He asked what I was doing and I said, "blogging." I never mentioned I had a blog before so he didn't believe me. Oh well. I never mentioned to you that I had a boyfriend but that doesn't mean you shouldn't believe that he exists, too. Coexist! Do it.

There's this really great quote by Betsey Johnson I want to show you... oh, I don't want to go to the trouble of looking it up, but it's been so long that I guess I owe you that much.

“Girls don’t dress for boys, they dress for themselves & each other. If girls dressed for boys, they’d walk around naked.”

Is that not brilliant? Anyway, nice checking up on you. S'later.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I really like the word "unencumbered." It sounds like "cucumber" and Jason Mraz uses it in his song, You and I Both.

ITOTD: Today was the first day of STAR testing in school (the first of three- Wednesday, Thursday, Friday). That's a really lame interesting thing, is it not?

I am oh so sorry to have left you for so very long without a word. (And by you I mean utter cyberspace because there is not a soul reading this blog.) Why am I talking so strangely? Why am I saying "so" so much? I do not know. Imagine it in a fun accent if it makes you feel better. I like Australian, or Czechoslovakian.

I have no idea what a Czechoslovakian accent sounds like.

Other slightly more interesting things that have happened in the last two weeks:
-I did college tours over Sprink Break.
-I went to LA to see my little brother's basketball tournament.
-I made friends with a foreign exchange student from Germany.
-I highlighted my hair, and now it looks blonde.
-Some of my friends went on a school trip to Europe, and a volcano erupted and now the airports are closed so they can't get back.

I auditioned for Glee. There's a good one. You can, too, if you've got a computer with a microphone ( It was a little bit awful because I was trying not to laugh the whole time at my two friends who were doing an interpretive dance to my song, Lean On Me. The song goes, "If there is a load you have to bear..." and they jumped, hunched forward, with their fingers out like bear claws. Dreadful, really. I am not a singer to begin with.

Yesterday for dinner I ate Aloe Vera out of a can.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Interesting things are not happening enough lately.

ITOTD: I met a crazy person named Josh while waiting in line at Starbucks.
I had pizza with tomatoes on it, which is new for me.

I am at a lull for ITOTD's. Problem.

I will think of ITOTD's for you, Cyberspace, so you will have new ideas and no excuse to be boring:
- Spend the day without volunteering any information about yourself unless asked. Ask questions about other people and meet somebody new. (Example: It's Monday. How was your weekend? You're sitting in art class. How did you think of the idea to paint that? You're waiting in line. I like your shoes, where did you get them?)
- Go for a walk barefoot. Be careful.
- Go vegetarian for a week.
- Write a book. (Or a short story....)
- Wear really thick, dark makeup tomorrow. Or wear no makeup tomorrow. (If you are a guy, this does NOT count. Ha.)
- Eat a bell pepper like you would eat an apple. (I do this a lot, actually, and they're really good.)

I could go on, but I have things to do and people to see.

Alright, I don't have people to see.


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Look up Mad Girl's Love Song by Sylvia Plath. It's a poem. I lurve it.

Once there was a girl who was tough as nails. She was untouchable; no one could reach her so no one could hurt her. Yet somehow, through her thick skin and watchful eyes, she was touched. It was soft, but it was definite, unmistakable. And just like that, she crumbled into a million pieces, as if his touch was a hammer and she folded into herself, the world beneath her rock hard and unforgiving. Crumbled, cracked like an eggshell, unmistakably, uncurably.

Under the pieces there was life, and she was more alive than ever because she had become something more beautiful than the pure white of an eggshell. More alive and more beautiful than ever was this new soul, and again she had never been touched. Try, and then watch her fly soundlessly away....

Sunday, January 31, 2010

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." - Shakespeare

Been sick all week so I haven't done much that doesn't involve the TV or mindless computer usage. But what can you do?

Hm. Zero followers. I'm thinking that's not going to change any time soon... or ever. As much as people would gain from reading this blog.

I have another song for you: They Don't Care About Us by Michael Jackson. Watch the music video with the kids and the drums. I like that one best. And my dance class is choreographing to it which should make it especially interesting to you (or not).

I got a phone call yesterday at 12:34 midnight while I was writing a story I'm working on. (I'm up to twenty-something pages now.) Wrong number. Conversation goes something like this:
Me: Hello?
Him: Hi, uh, who is this?
Me: You called me.
Him: Is this Tiana?
Me: No. Who is this?
Him: Who is this?
Then I told him my name.
Him: Uh, I think I have the wrong number.
Then I told him the number he dialed.
Him: Oh... I think I get it.
Me: What?
Him: I don't know. Are you white?
Me: Yeah...
Him: Okay, well anyways, I'm bored. You wanna talk?
Me: Umm, that's okay.
Him: Okay. Well, it was nice talking to you.
Me: Yeah, bye.

Longest wrong number conversation I've had in my life. But also very funny.


Friday, January 22, 2010

I don't know which is better, Sprinkles Cupcakes or Kara's Cupcakes.

I'm baaaack!

Busy week, and in half an hour I leave to go babysit three little boys and however many friends they have over as well. But I am here for you now, because that is how much I care.


Anyway, I think my last post was Tuesday, so I'll give you an ITOTD for Wednesday and Thursday.

Wednesday: I got my driver's license.

Thursday: I volunteered for a research study at Stanford University, so I went there and got a DXA Scan (which checks your bone density and other such medical things). They gave me a $10 Starbucks giftcard.

And this is today. Today I went to for the first time, which you should check out if you are the type of person that likes funny and entertaining things. But maybe not if you have never heard the word fuck before. Which now you have, so problem solved.

Speaking of funny things, R, A, and I (as in me, that's not another initial) were driving back to the school parking lot to get A's car (we were all in R's car) and we saw A's dad driving around. And she hadn't called her parents or anything and they were expecting her home about two hours ago, so it was a big event in the back seat with A diving down under the windows so her dad wouldn't know she was there. But he drove away and she got home eventually so all is well. The end.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Running in the rain is fun, as long as you have gloves and sweatpants.

Today I found a song that I believe is best enjoyed when experienced through this video:

He really just keeps going like that for the whole thing, so after about thirty seconds of head banging you have the idea.

If you were wondering (and if you were not, I'm about to tell you anyway), the song title "Chacarron Macarron" is a reference to cocaine. This might also explain the gibberish that makes up the majority of the lyrics. If you want the full effect, watch the music video on Youtube. You'll know you've clicked the right one when you scroll down and every comment is "WTF..."


Monday, January 18, 2010

Have you ever had purple carrot juice?

Back from dance class and spontaneously starting a blog. ITOTD?

(I guess we're just jumping right into this, but for future reference, ITOTD = Interesting Thing Of The Day. Which I made up, and I guess I better explain.... Transistioning out of parentheses now.)

Awhile ago I decided that life in high school is falling into a pattern, and the pattern repeats, and basically I got bored. So I started this thing where I try to do something interesting every day. (Or at least almost every day. It's harder than it sounds.)

Basic rules:
1. No repeats.
2. No planning. If it's carefully structured, it's not that interesting.

And then, of course, don't do anything really stupid. But let's not get into that.

Today's ITOTDs:
- Did my regular running route in the pouring rain.
- Started a blog, I guess. We'll see where this is going....