Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Interesting things are not happening enough lately.

ITOTD: I met a crazy person named Josh while waiting in line at Starbucks.
I had pizza with tomatoes on it, which is new for me.

I am at a lull for ITOTD's. Problem.

I will think of ITOTD's for you, Cyberspace, so you will have new ideas and no excuse to be boring:
- Spend the day without volunteering any information about yourself unless asked. Ask questions about other people and meet somebody new. (Example: It's Monday. How was your weekend? You're sitting in art class. How did you think of the idea to paint that? You're waiting in line. I like your shoes, where did you get them?)
- Go for a walk barefoot. Be careful.
- Go vegetarian for a week.
- Write a book. (Or a short story....)
- Wear really thick, dark makeup tomorrow. Or wear no makeup tomorrow. (If you are a guy, this does NOT count. Ha.)
- Eat a bell pepper like you would eat an apple. (I do this a lot, actually, and they're really good.)

I could go on, but I have things to do and people to see.

Alright, I don't have people to see.
