Friday, April 5, 2013

A List of My New Favorite Things

1. 3D Music

Put in some headphones and follow this link if you like things that are awesome.

2. Ankle Boots

Enough said.

3. Essena Oneill's Set Plan on Tumblr. It's a really straightforward exercise/ meal plan that fits into a school day. Based on the five days I've followed it, I'd say it's worth a go.

4. Sloths photoshopped into unusual situations.

i.e. The one in the pope's outfit (SlothSaturday)

5. Flameworking

I'm in the advanced glass class now and we have started using flameworking techniques (aka lampworking). I specialize in glass lumps. I also do globs and hunks.

6. The people who actually read a recent post of mine! Mad props to you all! I think I am in love with you. Ya know, in a casual way.